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Plastic Trash?
Now Recyclable

Advanced Recycling for the Circular Economy

Only 6% of plastic is ever recycled in the U.S. We’re here to change that. We make a majority of plastic recyclable.

Reduce plastic back down to base molecules for infinite reusability

Equipment that is small, modular and affordable

Simplified logistics for operators

A closed system that’s safe and clean for local neighborhoods

Turning Trash Into Treasure

Instead of plastic ending up in landfills and littering our environment we convert it back into its molecular building blocks. Hard-to-recycle plastic waste goes in, valuable feedstock for new plastic products comes out. Using microwaves for heat, we keep the surrounding air, water, and ground clean. Our regeneration technology can be operated safely in the same neighborhoods where cities sort their recycling.

Manufacturing and Production Partner

Our manufacturing and production partner is Lummus, a global leader in the development and implementation of process technologies and a staple of the petrochemical industry since 1907

Our Proven Solution is Modular

We have decentralized advanced recycling. No factory or facility required = fast, low risk deployment.

We bring our patented modular system to the plastic waste via an 18-wheeler truck. Our Continuous Microwave Assisted Pyrolysis (CMAP) technology is purpose-built to scale with local communities and their Material Recovery Facilities.

If you are interested in purchasing a CMAP system or partnering with a CMAP operator in your area, please sign up for our waitlist here:

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Reimagining Plastic as an Alternative to Oil

Plastic waste isn’t going away. It’s predicted to increase by 70% by 2050. That’s why our approach matters. Instead of relying on fossil fuels to create plastic, we’re aiming to make ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’ a profitable business. Let’s build a system where materials never become waste and nature is regenerated.

Circularity Matters

Let’s change the way the world views plastic waste, from major polluter to reusable resource. It’s time to invest in circular alternatives to petroleum-based plastics.